Time Management Tips for Salespeople

    Time Management Tips for Salespeople

    As a salesperson, time is your most valuable resource. So, being able to manage it and use it effectively is super important. For some it comes naturally, but for a lot of new salespeople it takes time to master. So,…


    How do you Overcome the Fear of Cold Calling?

    For new salespeople, cold calling is by far the most daunting part of the job. Calling up complete strangers during their work hours to tell them why they should part with their hard earned cash? Sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? Well,…

    The Importance of Soft Skills in the Sales Industry

    The Importance of Soft Skills in the Sales Industry

    When considering sales as a career, you might be worried about the technical knowledge you’ll need. But at entry-level, soft skills can often overpower their more specific counterparts. So, in this blog, we will discuss which soft skills employers look…

    How to Utilise LinkedIn at the Start of Your Career

    How to Utilise LinkedIn at the Start of Your Career

    At the beginning of your career journey, it’s important to take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way. One of these is optimising your social media presence. When you think of social media and job searching, you might think…

    Navigating the Graduate Sales Job Market

    Navigating the Graduate Sales Job Market

    Entering the job market as a graduate can be exhilarating with all its opportunities and challenges. But, without the right preparation, approach and attitude, new jobseekers can end up feeling overwhelmed. As a graduate recruitment agency, we have seen many…

    How to Transition from University to Professional Life

    How to Transition from University to Professional Life

    If you’re reading this, you’re probably a new graduate looking to start your career. Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off. But, now the ready tricky part begins. The transition from university to the start of your career…

    Six Things Our Graduates Have Learned Since University

    Six Things Our Graduates Have Learned Since University

    The Struggle of Applying for Grad Jobs As new graduates, the job hunt process can be draining. Filtering through countless job ads, tailoring CVs and cover letters, and navigating countless interviews can feel like a full-time job. And rejection is…

    Seven Tips for New Sales Reps to Succeed During Onboarding

    Seven Tips for New Sales Reps to Succeed During Onboarding

    Starting a new sales job is so exciting! But it can be incredibly challenging. You’re trying to absorb so much new information about the company, products, and sales process, not to mention building up your pipeline from scratch. Taking on…

    Training for an Effective Sales Force in 2024

    The sales landscape is constantly evolving, and the role of a sales manager transforms along with it. We must ask ourselves if sales managers prepared to lead their teams through the challenges and opportunities? Let’s explore some critical areas where…

    The Evolution of Recruitment Agencies: Navigating the Changing Landscape

    The Evolution of Recruitment Agencies: Navigating the Changing Landscape

    The world of recruitment has undergone a significant transformation over the last few years, and Recruitment Agencies have been at the forefront of this evolution. As the business landscape continues to shift, these agencies have had to adapt to meet…

    A Guide For Graduates: Navigate and Succeed in The 2024 Job Market

    A Guide For Graduates: Navigate and Succeed in The 2024 Job Market

    Brace yourself! The job landscape for UK graduates looks dramatically different than it did just 12 months ago. A potential economic slowdown has slowed hiring in sectors like finance, retail, and hospitality. However, it’s not all doom and gloom! Industries…

    Removing Barriers to Success: A New Sales Culture for Women

    The Current Gender Imbalance in Sales Statistics clearly show men currently occupy about 65% of sales roles compared to only 35% for women. (1) And men tend to reach higher levels of leadership and management faster. This needs to change.  What could…

    The Growing Challenge of Recruiting Top Talent

    The challenges of talent recruitment in today’s competitive environment are well documented. With declining labour supplies, an ageing workforce, and rapid technological changes disrupting required skills, companies across all industries engage in an intense “war for talent.” This phenomenon makes…

    Setting Goals and Objectives for a Successful Career in Sales

    Setting ambitious yet achievable goals and objectives is one of the most impactful things a salesperson can do to achieve consistent, long-term success. While revenue goals may seem the most tangible and results-driven, focusing only on final dollar figures neglects…

    Why is my sales team leaving? Understanding turnover and building a successful long-term sales team

    Too often, sales managers find themselves back at square one, re-recruiting and retraining replacements for the sales reps who have moved on. However, developing a strategic retention plan does not need to be reactive – it can be proactively implemented…

    How to Recruit Great Sales Reps

    Finding and Hiring Elite Revenue Drivers As a Sales Director, one of your most important responsibilities is building a consistently successful sales team. Having the right people in place can make or break. But recruiting to accomplish that task is…

    Guide to Securing a Graduate Job in 2024

    Navigating the Unique Landscape: A Comprehensive Guide to Securing a Graduate Job in 2024 Securing a graduate job in 2024 presents unique challenges and opportunities compared to previous years. This guide will provide a step-by-step approach, taking into account the…

    Q1 is a Make-Or-Break for Sales Directors

    The New Year is almost here, and that means one thing: Q1 is coming in hot! The next few months will set the stage for 2024. Here’s the deal: nail your Q1 plans, and you’ll pop bottles all year. Mess…

    We Wish You a Merry Sales Team: Christmas Eats for Sales Positions

    Tis the season to be jolly! Have you ever wondered what Christmas food best represents different sales positions? It’s a tricky question, right? Trying to associate each food with the right role can take ages! Don’t stress, we got the…

    Onboarding New Sales Hires: The Vital Role of Sales Training

    Bringing new salespeople onboard is an exciting time for any business. There is fresh energy, new perspectives, and enthusiasm to drive growth. However, more than simply hiring sales talent is required. A strategic sales training program is essential during onboarding…

    Welcome To The Prime Sales Academy

    We’ve launched the new Prime Sales Academy! A World-Class sales training experience that continues to guide aspiring SDRs to reach their full potential! As the ISM BESMA award-winning sales training provider, we welcome you to the Prime Sales Academy. The…

    Bridging the Gap: Recruiters and Marketers Collaborating for Success

    In the fast-paced business world, recruiters and marketers are on opposite sides of the field, each playing their own game. Recruiters pursue the perfect candidate, while marketers are busy spreading the word about products and services.  But the two are…

    Prime Reaches 9 Years of Changing Perceptions and Kickstarting Careers

    This month marks an exciting milestone for This Is Prime as we celebrate our 9th anniversary! It’s been an incredible journey since founders Neil and Nicole launched the company in 2014. We started small, renting an office space in the…

    Candidate Care: The Key To Recruitment Success

    Off the back of Winning The Best Online Candidate Experience at the prestigious OnRec Awards last month, we thought it was a good idea to talk about the immense power of Candidate Care and why it’s so vitally important to…

    This Is Prime Wins The OnRec Best Online Candidate Experience Award!

    We are thrilled to share that This Is Prime has received a major honour for our work in recruitment. The 2023 OnRec Award names us as the leader in delivering the Best Online Candidate Experience. At This Is Prime, every…

    The Power of Graduates in Sales: Why Companies Should Hire Them

    In today’s rapidly evolving business landscape, companies with a driving sales force constantly seek to stay ahead of the competition and drive growth. One valuable resource that businesses often overlook is the pool of recent graduates. There are so many…

    Why Cold Calling Doesn’t Work

    For years, there’s been the debate that cold calling is dead. Sales Practitioners argue on a daily basis that it works/doesn’t work/only works in certain situations etc etc. Many get distracted from the point that cold calling’s outcome is to…

    Leveraging the Power of AI: A Guide for Graduates on Securing Jobs and Building Careers

    *(This entire blog was written by AI)* The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and job hunting is no exception. AI has become a valuable tool in a graduate’s job-seeking arsenal, from writing compelling cover letters to…

    Other Side Of The Fence

    At the end of last year, my job title changed to “Sales Director”. Firstly, it seems like that job title change is a dream trigger to get entered into automated cadences! On a more serious note, it’s been very interesting…

    Types of Training & Development New Sales Graduates Should Prioritise

    Embarking on a new sales career from university can be exciting and daunting. While a solid academic foundation provides theoretical knowledge, practical skills and on-the-job training are crucial for success in the competitive sales industry. Training and development programs tailored…

    Why KPIs Might Be Outdated

    For decades, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) have been used to assess the performance of salespeople worldwide. However, these KPIs are often seen as daily targets and tools to criticise underperformers, which leads to decreased motivation, lower performance, and the need for…

    Nailing Sales: The Perfect Mindset

    Let’s talk about the secret sauce to crushing it in sales. Skills and strategies matter, but what sets superstars apart is having the right mindset. Key ingredients for developing a successful sales mindset are important, and it’s not just about…

    Unlocking Success Beyond The Numbers

    Stepping into the real world and embarking on your professional journey can be daunting, and as you navigate various career options, it’s crucial to consider specific roles within a job that you don’t think about initially. One such area is…

    Take Control and Thrive! : Stress In The Workplace

    Stress can totally get the best of us. It’s crucial to understand the importance of managing stress at work. So, let’s dive in and explore why stress happens, how it messes with your work, and most importantly, how you can…

    How To Become Financially Stable After University

    Entering the professional world after completing university can be an exciting yet challenging time for graduates. Alongside building a fulfilling career, laying the groundwork for long-term financial success is essential. In this blog post, we will explore actionable steps graduates…

    The Importance of Training & Development within Sales: Building a Strong Foundation for Long-Term Success

    In the competitive landscape of sales, the importance of training and development cannot be overstated. Effective training programs provide sales professionals with the necessary skills, knowledge, and tools to excel in their roles while ongoing development opportunities empower them to…

    Available Graduate Jobs in 2023

    Software Developer – A software developer designs, develops, tests and maintains software systems. Requirements: A degree in computer science or related field, programming skills, and familiarity with programming languages such as Python, Java or C++. Salary: £20,000-£50,000 per annum. Graduate…

    Seven Steps To Become A Great Sales Leader

    Stay Ahead Of The Game According to the old Chinese proverb, you should dig a well before you get thirsty! Nowhere is this more true than in sales. Imagine this scenario – your sales team is well-settled and delivering good…

    Are Your Sales Managers Ready To Coach?

    “There’s an old saying,’ those who can’t do, teach!’” “But what if the reverse is true ‘those who can do can’t teach!’” This is an inherent problem that I see in so many sales businesses. It’s natural that when it…

    Top Ten Tips To Help You Secure An Interview

    The key to creating an impressive job application does not lie in the initial words you enter into an online form. Instead, it stems from proper preparation, which starts with you. Are you aware of your career aspirations and the…

    10 Skills Or Attributes Sales Leaders Are Looking For In A Graduate

    A majority of companies across the UK commonly spend between £10,000-£15,000 hiring a single individual within sales. This is why Sales Leaders or Hiring Managers must employ the right people and develop them into long-term successes. So how do they…

    5 Steps To Secure A Graduate Sales Job

    Getting a graduate sales job can be challenging, but it can be a highly rewarding career path with the right preparation and mindset. In this blog, we’ll explore the steps you need to take to get a graduate sales job…

    What Is A Sales Recruitment Agency and Why Are They So Useful?

    A sales recruitment agency’s primary goal is to help companies find and hire the best sales talent. To achieve this, they work closely with companies to understand their specific sales needs and goals and then go out and source, screen,…

    Why Should Graduates Build A LinkedIn Profile?

    Graduates, are you ready to kick-start your career? Then you need to set up your LinkedIn profile! Graduates with a LinkedIn Profile are 20% more likely to receive a phone call from a recruiter about a possible role. In today’s…

    Are Startups A Great Place for a Graduate?

    Once a student graduates from University, they only have one question in mind… “What’s next?” Some will look for graduate schemes, some will get a part-time job while searching for the “right” role, but one that many graduates never think…

    The Return of The Changing the Perception of Sales Podcast Series

    The return of The Changing the Perception of Podcast Series has finally arrived! Last year, we spoke to the real people in sales, on the ground, talking about their journey, the things they’ve learnt and how to become successful in…

    6 Things You Need To Know Before You Start Your Sales Career

    No one is ever a born salesperson.  Like any skill in life, it takes practice. Think of any successful professional athlete. Was it all natural talent? No, it took time, determination and practice to refine their skills to become the…

    How to Leverage Social Media to Enhance Your Job Search and Land Your Dream Job

    Social media platforms have become integral to connecting with everyone around the world. But for a long time, it was only used for personal and leisurely use. But Social Media has evolved into so much more. Employers now use these…

    Avoid These 5 Mistakes In An Interview

    Lack of preparation It’s the classic line. “Failing to prepare is preparing to fail.” Preparation is critical in all types of interviews, entry or senior. It’s important to research the necessary areas the interviewer is looking for. This could include…

    North Wests Most Exciting Companies

    Since being crowned 2019 ISM BESMA Award-Winning Sales Training Provider of the Year, Prime has continued to provide world-class service, finding hundreds of roles for talented graduates and training over 9000 on the skills needed to be successful. The hard…

    Sales Recruitment, What is it and how do you become successful?

    Sales recruitment, specifically the Sales Recruiters, assist businesses in searching for skilled individuals to join the sales department within their organisation. To accomplish this, recruiters tend to schedule several conversations with the company to understand precisely what they’re looking for…

    What Is A Graduate Job And What To Expect?

    What is a graduate job? Graduate jobs is a permanent role after university and are found in almost all industries and employment sectors. Companies tend to hire graduates because of their motivation to build a successful career and become financially…

    Five Attributes You Need To Get A Job In Sales

    “What are they looking for, who are they looking for, is there something specific they are searching for?” These are the types of questions every graduate thinks about before an interview. So what is it they’re trying to find out…

    How To Be Successful In Tech Sales

    Whether you’re just starting your career into sales or a seasoned pro, there’s always room to improve and become the top contender in the office. But this can never be achieved without understanding your skills, understanding your target market, and…

    My placement at Prime – Akiel Johnson

    Every year Prime hires a unique individual to join us in the Manchester office on a placement year. This year, we’ve been joined by Akiel Johnson, studying Sports Marketing at the Manchester Metropolitan University. He is soon finishing his time…

    Why Should Graduates Use Recruitment Agencies

    Finding a company that you think is the right one to develop you personally and professionally can be so tricky, especially if you’re a graduate! It can also be tough to tell whether one company can benefit you better than…

    What Questions Could They Ask Me Within A Sales Interview?

    Attending a sales interview can be anxious, especially if the questions are challenging and cause you to stumble while responding. So how do you leave the interview confident in your performance? The key is preparation. While the content of your…

    Why should companies invest into Sales Training?

    In the past, Sales Training has commonly had a reputation as a hit-or-miss practice when delivering a meaningful return on investment (ROI). So companies tend to pause or not even invest in developing skills and experience within their sales team.…

    How To Manage And Support Your Sales Team Mental Health

    Every salesperson has to face unrelenting expectations to perform and execute their tasks on time. Unfortunately, this can take a dramatic toll on your mental health and sales performance.  Team members must understand the impact of mental health and how…

    Top 3 Practices for Onboarding New Hires

    Correctly onboarding new starters is a critical moment, and how you build an onboarding programme can significantly impact how your new hires’ perform. Creating an impactful onboarding process can enable your new hires to improve their employee retention by 82%, but…

    How To Create A Winning CV

    For a recruiter or hiring manager to understand your CV, you need to include: Who you are What your professional background is What your skills and abilities are What you have achieved Why you are the best person for the…

    large text saying "Welcome to our new website"

    Welcome To The New Prime Website 🚀

    And we’re live! 🚀 This Is Prime has a new website! 🎉 When creating this website, we had one goal, to offer a site that would contribute insights back into the sales industry. This included our Podcast series, talking to…

    six males jumping and celebrating their exam results

    A-Level Results Day

    A level results day is potentially the biggest emotional rollercoaster you can put yourself through without risking your life or being a contestant on The Chase, fact. Students around the world today woke up nice and early and casually tried…

    Podcast Series Cover Image

    Launching The Changing the Perception of Sales Podcast Series!

    Last year, we launched series one of the Changing the Perception of Sales Series, speaking to Sales Leaders and shared their experiences, skills and insights from their careers. Our aim was to add value into the sales community at the…

    group of people celebrating at a party

    2020 Freshers – Prime’s Top Tips

    First things first, what a rollercoaster year 2020 has been so far. This blog post has been a few weeks in the making, but Boris’ most recent announcement seemed to flip the last draft on its head. We seemingly went…

    Prime Runnings

    As of Monday 23rd March, the UK government has decided to take similar measures to their European counterparts and enter a nationwide lockdown. This means under no circumstances should people be out and about, having a swift one down the…

    Winners of #BESMA Sales Training Provider of the Year 2019 🎉

    The ISM British Excellence in Sales Management Awards is the highlight of the sales industry calendar, shining a light on outstanding sales professionals and teams across the UK. The awards took place on Friday 15th November at Wembley Stadium, with…

    group of students cheering at a nightclub

    Surviving Freshers Week

    Freshers week, the pinnacle of University culture. For most people, it’s your first time away from home, an opportunity to have some freedom and find out who you really are. It’s probably also the first opportunity to drink your favourite…

    My Year at Prime – and the lessons I’ve learnt on my placement year!

    My boss and Prime’s co-founder/MD Neil Clough once said to me, “a placement year isn’t about saving money” (which is good as I haven’t saved any) “it’s about learning”. At the time of writing this post this is my 11th…

    Musical Millennials: 4 Key Ways To Motivate Millennials In Your Sales Team

    Millennials, Baby Boomers, Generation Y, are all great names for a punk band, yet instead they’re the names used to describe the different generations in today’s workforce. What makes Millennials specifically so important? Well because there’s SO MANY OF THEM…

    Final Exams – 5 Steps To Be Perfectly Prepared For Your Exams

    Alas, the Easter & Bank holidays are almost over and for many of you the last few weeks may have been spent sleeping, watching Netflix and going out getting drunk. However, now its time to get back to University mode…

    Hard Brexit, Soft Brext, Crunchy Brexit, Nutty Brexit: what does Brexit mean for students?

    Is the writer of this article the only one who thinks Brexit sounds like a type of cereal? Never have there been so many opinions on one subject since the day Nick Gandhi wore his ‘funky shirt’ to our Manchester…

    Singles Pringles: How To Entertain Your Single Self On Valentines Day

    Ah Valentine’s Day, the marmite of holidays! A chance to show your true love how much you really care, or a chance for retailers to use your relationship to fill their pockets?

    Dry January: The Pros and Cons

    If most recruiters were robots, alcohol would be their fuel. Okay that’s not necessarily true. You would be hard pressed to find a Sales Resourcer swigging a pint of Peroni whilst sourcing on the phone, but you can bet your…

    Primes Top 7 Christmas Songs

    Tis the season to be jolly and nothing makes you jollier than a good old sing-along with family and friends at Christmas time. There are many office debates around Christmas time: What’s everyone’s favourite thing about Christmas? Is Die Hard…

    End of Year Review: Interviewing Neil Clough

    As Prime enters its 5th year, what better time to look back and see how the company has grown in 2018. From new staff members to new offices opening and lots of exciting events such as charity fundraising at the…

    Prime’s Halloween Horror Film Recommendations

    Halloween is upon us, kids are out trick or treating, students are out partying in fancy dress and recruiters… well recruiters are out recruiting. I guess some things never change. Round the office, the topic of conversation has become centred…

    5 Interview Tips for Graduates

    If you’re reading this, you’ve officially joined the job hunt. You’ve no doubt spent hours crafting the perfect CV, days looking for your dream job role and sent off a load of applications. You’ve just landed yourself an interview, and…

    Freshers week: Most Common Fears Students Have About Graduating

    At 8:42am today I was happily sat on the bus to work when I turned to see 3 students walking down Oxford Road one in a dressing gown and the other two in fancy dress with what looked like marker…

    Target Hitting Incentives in Sales and Recruitment

    It’s often said that in sales and recruitment you will earn as much as you work, and no one knows that better than us at Prime. For example, with it being Friday we normally do our weekly wheel of fortune…

    3 Common Misconceptions About Sales and Recruitment

    Recruiters only care about making a sale. Why do I mention this? Well, recently I attended my first Prime training day with the idea being to not only see how one is run, but also focus on how it benefits…

    Nicole Plinston BESMA 2018 Finalist

    It’s an exciting time at Prime as our very own Nicole Plinston has been nominated as a finalist for External Sales Training Provider of the Year in the BESMA 2018 awards, for the second year in a row.

    Student Placement at Prime: My First Week

    My First Week On A Placement Year Five months ago I was a Media student at Sheffield Hallam university: heavy nights out, a booming social life and flexible working hours were the norm. Now I’m on a 10 month placement…

    Is Recruitment Sales? – Nicole Plinston

    I recently attended a sales industry awards judging day as a nominee. It was an interesting experience, but what has stuck with me most from the process is the perception that recruitment isn’t sales. Having worked in both recruitment and…

    Prime Tips for Interviews

    We know better than anyone how hard it can be for graduates to get a job, especially in recruitment. Nowadays, it is difficult to even get an interview, so it is important to absolutely nail it when you get one.…

    Rome Wasn’t Built In A Day

    What are we looking for? We’re growing fast as a business, and as a result, we need another person to join us as we launch our London office. You will use your array of skills to attract, build and maintain…

    Our First Year in Recruitment

    2015 was a great year for Prime. It has to be said that we are over the moon with the success the business has had since it began near the end of October 2014. Prime has truly thrived this year.…

    Nicole Plinston Blog about Prime’s Progression

    You heard from Neil about the launch of our business, so I thought I’d update you on how Prime has progressed since. Well, we’ve hit our six-month mark, and following the company’s success with our unique training days, we are…

    Welcome to Prime!

    Launched in October last year, we had some great regional and sector coverage, and we’ve been going from strength to strength creating a real buzz around the business. I appeared on The Apprentice You’re Fired (show on BBC2, although this…

    Neil Clough

    Co-Founder & Managing Director

    Contact Neil

    Nicole Plinston

    Co-Founder & Managing Director

    Contact Nicole

    Kyle Gallagher

    Sales Director

    Contact Kyle

    Chris Thompson

    Associate Director

    Contact Chris

    Steve Lowndes

    Head of Sales Training

    Contact Steve

    Victoria Wright

    Office Manager

    Contact Victoria

    Olivia Costello

    Social Media Manager

    Contact Olivia

    James Salamon

    Sales Team Lead

    Contact James

    Charlotte Morris

    Sales Team Lead

    Contact Charlotte

    Akiel Johnson

    Sales Recruiter

    Contact Akiel

    Rob Nixon

    Sales Recruiter

    Contact Rob

    Calum Kirkby

    Sales Recruiter - Mid Senior Division

    Contact Calum

    Allana McCracken

    Sales Resourcer - Mid Senior Division

    Contact Allana

    Paige Bradbury

    Sales Recruiter

    Contact Paige

    Jade Burnand

    Sales Recruiter

    Contact Jade

    Babar Hussain

    Senior Sales Resourcer

    Contact Babar

    Matthew Campbell

    Sales Development Representative

    Contact Matthew

    John Cottrell-Smith

    Sales Development Representative

    Contact John

    Imogen Nolan

    Senior Sales Resourcer

    Contact Imogen

    Berfin Eybek

    Sales Resourcer

    Contact Berfin

    Tom Fenwick

    Sales Resourcer

    Contact Tom

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