Seven Tips for New Sales Reps to Succeed During Onboarding

Starting a new sales job is so exciting! But it can be incredibly challenging. You’re trying to absorb so much new information about the company, products, and sales process, not to mention building up your pipeline from scratch. Taking on and learning within the onboarding period is crucial for setting yourself up for long-term success. Follow these seven tips to make the most of it.


Take the Time While You Have It

In your first few weeks, you likely have little workload or sales quota bearing down on you. So, maximise this window by becoming a sponge and soaking up as much knowledge as possible! Ask questions, study your training materials, and try to deeply understand your company’s value proposition and how your solutions work.


Don’t Ignore Red Flags

Some things during the interview process gave you pause. Don’t ignore or rationalise away those concerns. Speak up and get clarification during onboarding to ensure the role is the right fit for you long-term.


Use Job Simulations and Examples

The best sales training goes beyond lectures and role-playing to include interactive and hands-on training. Scenarios like a mock software demo or needs analysis conversation allow you to practice in an immersive but low-stress environment. You must take full advantage of these opportunities to make mistakes and learn.


Request a Mock Sales Presentation

Few things are more nerve-wracking than your first accurate sales presentation. Ask if you can do a dry run pitch during onboarding in front of peers, managers, or even some friendly customer contacts. The feedback will be invaluable for identifying strengths and areas for improvement.


Invest Time and Effort into Training

Let’s be honest, onboarding training can seem tedious, but don’t just go through the motions. Treat it with importance, and be sure you thoroughly comprehend and can apply every concept covered. The more you internalise now, the less you’ll slow down in the full-time role.


Consistently Evaluate Your Onboarding

Great companies constantly evolve their training based on feedback. Take it upon yourself to proactively share what’s working well and what could be improved.


Set Clear Expectations

By the end of your onboarding, ensure you clearly understand what benchmarks and goals you’ll be measured against going forward. What will define your success in your role? When will you be expected to ramp up to a total sales quota? Get it all out on the table now. Break it down and understand what it will take to succeed.


Onboarding will be pivotal to your success and can make or break your sales career at a new company. Follow these tips to maximise your training, gain confidence, and set yourself up to become a top producer. 

Looking for your first job in sales? Contact us today to speak to one of our recruiters or apply on our jobs board.