How to Transition from University to Professional Life

If you’re reading this, you’re probably a new graduate looking to start your career. Congratulations! All of your hard work has paid off. But, now the ready tricky part begins. The transition from university to the start of your career can be both exciting and daunting. After years spent in lectures and libraries, coming into the fast-paced world of work requires learning new skills and a shift in mindset. This might sound daunting, but it’s a completely normal part of the journey. In fact, it’s been done millions of times before by people who are now enjoying the fruits of a successful career.

Graduation season is currently upon us, and with that, millions of nervous graduates joining the job market. So, we have put together some key tips to help you navigate this challenging period.

Update your CV and LinkedIn

Your university likely explained the importance of a powerful CV and a good LinkedIn profile, and you probably even had some sessions on how to craft them. But, depending on the industry you are going into, you may need to tailor it for the best results.

For example, for a sales role, employers would want to hear more about your soft skills and social abilities. So, you might talk about being the captain of the football team or having a full-time job during uni. But, for an administrative role, your technical skills may be more important to highlight. To know what to focus on, identify key skills mentioned in job descriptions and compare them with your skillset.

With most job applications being submitted digitally, your online presence is more important than ever. This includes your LinkedIn profile, where you can share your achievements, skills, non-academic achievements and qualifications.

Make use of University Resources

Part of the transition between education and work is learning to be more proactive. The period after graduation is a perfect time to practice this by taking advantage of everything your university has to offer. This could include CV help, practice interviews, job boards or even internships.

Career advisors can provide you with personalised advice, having a full understanding of your situation. As careers specialists, they also often have a wealth of industry connections. So, learn everything you can from them and make the most of this valuable resource.

Keep Organised

Job searching can become overwhelming – especially when you are using more than one jobsite to apply. So, it can be helpful to create a spreadsheet to document your applications. Track the progress of each and make note of any feedback, so you can improve with every interview.

Take Opportunities

As a new graduate, you might not have very many industry contacts. Networking – I know, it sounds scary – could be a great option for you to build these connections. Look into your desired industry, find events in your area and get stuck in! Networking isn’t just for job searching either, it can help you build a network of professional peers to share advice and grow with.
Aside from networking, there are other opportunities you can take to develop. Something employers favour in entry level candidates is continuous learning: attending workshops and training outside of education. Many entry level careers understand that you might not have work experience in the sector, but these opportunities can show you have an understanding and interest in the role

Stay Positive

As well as overwhelming, job searching can become disheartening. Rejections can start to feel personal. But, it’s important to note that setbacks are normal and building your career takes time. In 2023, nearly 60% of graduates took 15 months to find their first full-time job post grad. Keep applying, don’t lose hope and remember that every application and interview is a learning experience.

Access Dedicated Support

Looking for a job can feel isolating. It’s hard to know if your CV is good enough, whether you’re applying for the right thing or whether your interview techniques are on point. This is where recruiters and agencies can be helpful. Agencies have teams of recruiters with connections and knowledge of your sector. So, they might be the perfect people to help you secure your dream role.
If you’re looking to start your career in sales, This is Prime might be the agency for you. We specialise in training and placing graduates into sales roles in top companies. So, we understand what graduate employers are looking for and how you can optimise your skillset to stand out. As one of our candidates, you will receive support throughout the recruitment process. We also offer award-winning training to our candidates, helping them ace their interviews and start their career with confidence.

To learn more about This is Prime, and to start your journey into a fulfilling and exciting career in sales, upload your CV or apply to one of our roles.